You're a Wizard

A few of the hundreds of emails I’ve received over the last 5 years from children around the world who believe that the website I made would really take them to Hogwarts. Sorry guys. 2004 signups and counting.

25 Jun 2020

I dont have owl Can you send anyone to pick up me

Suman. Same bro. [Click for A Thread About Cows]

But he didn’t stop:

Please sir. 

Send sir.

So I became mean:

We will be sending our Pick-up Cow. Please await further instructions.

To which he said:

Okay thnk you.

Tell me time and when.


We won't be able to pick you up :/ Our pick-up cow just applied for maternity leave and we only have one.

But he doesn’t relent:

But I have no thing to travel to Hogwarts please ask headmaster or any
other thing to pick me to Hogwarts.

There are 10 more emails. I don’t have the energy.